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You’re invited to MHCN’s Mental Health Month event, Artistic Dialogue: Creative Workshop for Carers.

This workshop, led by art therapist Lisa McArthur-Edwards, promotes open discussions on mental health through creative expression and aims to help participants develop the skills and language to communicate their mental health experiences, foster mutual support, and create a more understanding environment in communities, families, and friendships.

Express your creativity through collage, colouring, and drawing, to reflect upon your own mental health experiences, engage with other participants and build effective communication strategies to implement during challenging times. The activity will include a series of interactive art therapy stations with each station dedicated to a specific aspect of talking about mental health: Who, What, Where, Why, When, and How.

There will also be a complimentary morning tea provided and a chance to connect with other carers at the end of the session. No creative experience or talent required, and all art materials will be provided!

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