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Mental Health is a community problem. As part of an initiative, Burwood Community Corrections has decided to create a project that highlights Mental Health and wellness for all stakeholders to access. We are all part of this conversation, and we all have the influence to improve our mental wellbeing and those that we meet.

As such, we have partnered with WayAhead to bring you this small gift and share a morning tea on 18 October 2023 at 10.30am at your location.

Part of this initiative

“Spread the Word” project is designed to raise awareness and reduce stigma around Mental Health issues, foster dialogue and collaboration amongst various stakeholders. The theme, “We all Have a Role to Play” reflects the idea that everyone can contribute to creating a supportive, inclusive environment for people who struggle with Mental Health challenges.

The aim of the event is to provide information and resources on how to access professional help and support services when needed. The event aims to empower people to take charge of their own mental well-being and use the tools provided to help others who may need assistance.

Whether it’s by being a supportive friend or family member, advocating for better Mental Health resources, or simply being more understanding and compassionate, we can all make a difference. Additionally, ‘Spread the Word’ will provide valuable information, self-help strategies and resources on how to access professional help and support services. By empowering individuals to take charge of their own mental well-being and encouraging them to reach out for help when needed, together we can create a stronger and more resilient community.

This event has a multifaceted purpose. The direct target audience are the two hundred Community Corrections staff receiving a variety of paraphernalia, stress balls, Mental Health promotional material and a USB copy of the hard copy flyers, brochures etc.

These resources will support officers in addressing their own Mental Health through self -help strategies and referrals to organisations that can assist them.

Community Correction staff work with a variety of stakeholders including providing services to the most vulnerable and marginalised. These brochures can be distributed in the reception area to support clients in the same fashion. Furthermore, an indirect impact of educating officers and clients is that they can play a role in supporting their loved ones and community with their Mental Health well-being.

The purpose of providing both hard and soft copy material will assist officers immediately and in the future in supporting all stakeholders with self-help guides and referrals.

Mental Health is not just a one-day conversation, it needs to be a daily conversation, creating a top-of-mind awareness with all who are linked with our offices.

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